Timo Tiuraniemi

UPDATE: I had no idea about the terrible colonial/crypto background of .io TLD, and for some reason it never occured to me to check.

Thanks @jonne for the heads up!

I'll move to a better domain and repost, this domain will disappear soon!

July 19, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

@jonne Thank you, had no idea about that. That's pretty terrible.

The .fi was taken, so didn't spend much time at all with the TLD, just thought .io would be as good as any.

Really need to reconsider this then. Damn.

July 19, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

I do the first two but also:

✅ Quit my job to work full-time as an environmental activist.

Making small personal changes is good, but moral licencing needs to be avoided. That means not losing sight that the real struggle is to stop colonial fossil capitalism from destroying our planet. That can only happen with a system change demanded by political mass movements.

July 18, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

Haven't yet read The Future Is Degrowth but this review is excellent in itself.

"[W]e need to break free from the capitalist economy. gives us the tools to bend its bars."


July 04, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

@kev Personally I've stopped thinking in terms of winning or losing.

The struggle for an ethical internet, against whatever immoral garbage is being pushed at any given time, isn't going to end.

The same goes for environmentalism: no matter how bad (or good) things get, the fight for future generations and non-human life will never be over.

For this reason, the main issues you must not fail at are long-term physical and mental sustainability and choosing battles strategically.

July 01, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

Jevons paradox is alive and well: relying on tech fixes to lower total energy consumption will backfire under capitalism.

"We find that the economy-wide rebound effect is between 78 and 101% across our sample of countries, which differ in industrial structure and energy mix [...] This implies that energy efficiency improvements that save energy by adopting more efficient cost-reducing technology will have limited long-run impact on aggregate energy consumption."


June 21, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

EU's ECT allows fossil fuel corps to sue governments for implementing green policies. Abolishing the treaty is a no brainer, but some EU countries are still on the fence.

Sign the petition and , less than 200k signatures missing!


June 15, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

Carbon offsetting is mostly a scam. The term needs to be reserved only for projects that:

a) increase net carbon sinks when taking into account the entire lifecycle emissions from construction and maintenance,
b) can be completed without violating any other planetary boundaries (biodiversity, fresh water, chemical pollution, etc), and
c) would not happen on their own without the offsetting project.

So reforestation of destroyed land, and almost nothing else.

May 20, 2022
Timo Tiuraniemi

@wion@writing.exchange Yup, noticed this just this week: it was so hard to search for the gemini protocol spec (for my Asciidoc.js to Gemini converter I use for my up-and-coming Gemini site).

May 13, 2022