Timo Tiuraniemi

If you hoard N95 masks at the beginning of an epidemic in order to profit from selling them, you are considered an asshole. This is, I believe, because N95 masks are scarce necessities, and profiting from scarce necessities is considered immoral.

However, if you hoard apartments in order to profit from renting or selling them, you are considered a smart investor. This even though apartments are scarce necessities, which are much harder to turn abundant than N95 masks.

December 30, 2023
Timo Tiuraniemi

Got to love Finnish Christmas carols. Some of the most popular have topics like the loneliness of grandparents living alone in the countryside, the cruelty done to caged birds, and the death of a child.

But we also have a few happy ones! For example:

We're all mother's piglets. /
Life lasts only a moment /
and it's gloomy and tedious. /
We're all mother's piglets.

December 24, 2023
Timo Tiuraniemi

It's been two weeks but I still can't get over that new cover of The Girl From Ipanema I heard on the radio.

The production and vocals were, like in most such covers, boring and unoriginal.

But that wasn't the worst part.

What disturbed me was that there was no B section. It was just A on a loop. They cut out the heart of the song.

People of all ages can appreciate Bohemian Rhapsody, but labels don't think they can handle 2 sections in a song anymore.


(Queue old man yells at cloud.)

December 17, 2023
Timo Tiuraniemi

Debugging. The game where you are the detective, the victim, and the criminal at the same time. You don’t know where the crime took place or what it was, but you're pretty sure there was one.

December 09, 2023
Timo Tiuraniemi

@amici He's a professor in social policy, who obviously hadn't bothered to research what he was bashing.

This is a very common knee-jerk reaction when people hear about degrowth, and education doesn't shield you from it. Often on the contrary.

Fortunately he got a lot of pushback from many different directions. Turns out that comparing crushing children's skulls against trees (yes, he really did start with that) to postgrowth is not an argument anyone thinks is good or appropriate.

December 02, 2023
Timo Tiuraniemi

A Finnish professor wrote a column that began with a story about the monstrosities committed by the Khmer Rouge. He then compared that to the and movements. To no surprise, the column continued with a series of straw men and misrepresentation, ending with a declaration of empty "hope" that economic growth will save the day.

Degrowth has clearly turned into an idea that can't be ignored anymore in Finland, and the quality of these "critiques" only proves its strength.

November 18, 2023
Timo Tiuraniemi

@jonne Jos alkaa näyttää siltä, että pitää kaikki osat vaihtaa, Taitonetti on hyvä vaihtoehto. Oma sieltä hommattu pelikone on toiminut erinomaisen hyvin.

November 14, 2023